Why I Keep A Gratitude Journal
I’ve never been someone who properly journals, I’ve tried but I’ve never stuck with it, partly because it felt a bit awkward, but mainly because of the amount of time it takes. What I have been able to maintain for
My top tip for always remembering where your heroine’s loo is
Have you ever realised you’ve made a mistake with the layout of one of your character’s houses? Maybe you gave them a piano in a sitting room in chapter 1, but it’s materialised in the dining room by chapter 6. Or
How to Get That Manuscript Finished
I'm sure pretty much every writer would agree that STARTING writing a new book is the easy bit, it's actually getting that manuscript finished that's tough, particularly when the initial excitement of the new idea wanes a little. It certainly
Finding The Time
Often one of the biggest hurdles facing aspiring authors isn't lack of inspiration or even talent, it's just finding the time to fit a decent amount of writing in, and let's face it, an unfinished manuscript isn't much use to