Many thanks to Emma for inviting me to her blog page.
Hi, my name is Pauline Morgan, a debut author of a cosy women’s fiction novel, The Ballynoon Friendship Circle, published in May 2021.
This year has been an inspiring time for me. Not only did I see my debut novel published as an eBook with SpellBound Books Ltd, but, in addition, I signed a further two-book deal with the same publishers.
As a child, I always enjoyed writing. Even today, I write shopping lists or messages whenever I see fit for the occasion. It has taken me over twenty years of hard work, and many rejections. But, I can vouch for a significant learning curve in creative writing since joining the social media scene many moons ago.
First, I became friends with writers and like-minded people who shared a love of writing. Then I joined The Romantic Novelists Association who had a New Writers Scheme. After relocating to Northern Ireland, this was the foundation of becoming a serious writer. Next, I joined another creative writing group called Writing. ie. Writers Ink. My mentor encouraged me to write short stories for competitions and magazines. Two magazines based in the South of Ireland published my short stories. My faith in creative writing restored my confidence as a published women’s fiction author. Once more, I sent samples of my work to publishers with a relaxed approach. Then, out of the blue, I received an email from one of the publishers offering me a book deal based on my sample chapters. I got my better half to read the email out loud. He confirmed that SpellBound Books Ltd would like to publish my novel. All of this happened during the beginning of the Covid Pandemic.
I look forward to 2022 as book two, a standalone women’s fiction, will be published in spring. Book three is complicated, awaiting my editor’s eagle eye of perfection before forwarding it to my publisher’s. I have started work on book five.
It is always exciting creating new characters and plotlines, the glue to writing a novel.
The Ballynoon Friendship Circle is available from Amazon:
To find out more about Pauline and to follow her writing journey further, find her on social media:
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