It feels like an absolute age since I last blogged, which is probably because it is! What can I say? Life got in the way!


What a wonderfully, busy, fun time we’ve had! I celebrated my 41st birthday (a blueberry cake the size of my head was involved, a beautiful walk around Dinas Island in Pembrokeshire, THREE birthday dinners and a night away in a very lovely hotel), my delicious husband turned 40 and we had an amazing few day in the Cotswolds and Devon to celebrate, and our 2nd eldest is now somehow 16.



We’ve been really trying to make the most of restrictions being lifted in the UK, and have fitted in as many adventures as possible – climbing Cadair Idris in Snowdonia (don’t listen to random men in shorts who tell you they know a better route down…) and visiting places we’ve been meaning to go to for years. We’ve also been walking the Wales coastal path, which is absolutely stunning.

Anyway, in amongst all this frivolity, I’ve been beavering away on draft 4 of my next romance as well as completing a second children’s book, and the paperback of my latest release, ‘Her Sister’s Baby’, is now available to buy from Amazon:


There’s nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your book baby in print, and the beautiful colours on the cover really make it stand out.

Libraries in Wales are getting up to speed again and are ordering copies of my books, but if yours doesn’t have them in stock, please ask a librarian if they can put a request in for you – in my experience, they usually manage to get the book you want really quickly!


Enjoy the rest of the summer – my mind is already leaning towards pumpkin spice lattes and bonfires I’m afraid!

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